For more tree diversity
Anyone can plant trees. Our cooperation partner, the Green Forest Fund e.V., works closely with nature protection to not just plant trees, but to ideally match the trees to the location. It is quite obvious why this is so important: The better a tree is adapted to a particular location, the older, healthier and stronger it can grow. Soil conditions, climatic conditions and other factors such as animals can have an influence on the growth of the tree. The Green Forest Fund e.V. around founder Thorsten Walter ensures diversity, because high-quality seedlings of different varieties are planted for a healthy mixed culture. By the way, these seedlings come from a forest tree nursery and are already three to five years old when they are planted in spring or fall. Compared to monocultures, mixed forests are significantly more resilient, resistant and therefore healthier. This makes them a diverse habitat and a valuable ally in the fight against climate change. With every package of SOMMER organic cookies, you support the Green Forest Fund e.V. in bringing even more tree diversity to German forests.
Want to know more about the Green Forest Fund e.V.? You can find more information here.
Photo: Green Forest Fund e.V.