organic farming supports biodiversity

Seeds are important because they are the basis of almost all food. They ensure diversity on the field and ultimately also on the plate. The problem is that in conventional agriculture in particular, farmers are dependent on six international multinational corporations and their mostly genetically modified seeds. These are seeds that are supposed to be particularly resistant to insecticides or herbicides and produce better harvests. However, this also means that farmers not only have to keep buying more seed, but also pay fees to these companies.

What do seeds and biodiversity have to do with each other? When only a few highly bred seed varieties are cultivated, biodiversity suffers. In conventional agriculture, pesticides and herbicides are also used. In organic farming, on the other hand, genetically modified-free and, wherever possible, organic crops and seeds are used in all cases. Seed is organic if it comes from organically grown plants. So far, so good. In fact, however, completely organic plant breeding is not yet available for all crop species at present. In particular, breeding new organic varieties that are adapted to climate change is a time-consuming and cost-intensive process. A great deal of work has been done in this area by the Saatgutfonds (Seed Fund) of Zukunftsstiftung Landwirtschaft (Future Foundation for Agriculture), which we have been supporting in its mission for several years now. Because the need for organic seed is great and biodiversity is under threat, we continue to support organic farming and projects like the Saatgutfonds. We are convinced that organic farming is an essential supporter of biodiversity!

Sources: Ökologisches Wirtschaften, Lebendesamen, Ökolandbau, BUND, WWF