The forest as a climate saver
“The breath of the trees gives us life” – Roswitha Bloch
Forests and climate (protection) are closely linked; it is not for nothing that forests are referred to as the green lungs of the earth. Forests are important and highly complex ecosystems that cover one third of the land surface. As huge air-conditioning systems, they store carbon and make a significant contribution to oxygen production. Trees that are a hundred or more years old are particularly good at storing carbon over the long term. German forests store up to 127 million tons of CO2 per year; a pine tree, for example, can absorb about 2.6 tons of CO2 in 100 years. Moreover, in an intact forest, the soil also binds carbon with the help of deadwood, for instance. Forests regulate temperatures, and tropical forests in particular have a cooling effect on the global climate.
That’s why the threat to forests is a global problem. If forests die, the carbon stored in them is released, temperatures rise and the world continues to heat up. The result is a vicious circle. For forests to fulfill their role as climate saviors, they need healthy trees with a long lifespan and no forestry interests. This is precisely what the Green Forest Fund e.V. in Germany is doing, and we have been supporting it in its mission for over a year now. For more primeval forests and climate protection!