The forest as a climate saver
Today is the Day of the Forest and we think it is a good opportunity to emphasize the important function of the forest as a climate saver. We all appreciate the forest as a place for recreation and relaxation. Yet the forest is so much more, a complex ecosystem and our greatest ally in the fight against the climate crisis. A healthy forest is as diverse as its inhabitants, from young trees to deadwood, it provides shelter and food for a wide variety of animals. An old forest with plenty of deadwood, untouched by forestry, is a particularly valuable climate and species protector. The problem: According to Greenpeace, almost 90% of German forests are in poor condition. Although around 2/3 of the forests are located in protected areas, only just under 3% are actually protected from forestry. The more wood is logged, the more unstable the forests become and the more climate crisis and species loss are fueled. A rethinking is therefore required, the forest as a vital ecosystem rather than as a wood producer. With every SOMMER package you can help us support the Green Forest Fund e.V. in its mission to create the primeval forests of tomorrow in Germany as part of a long-term partnership. So how about some organic cookies for the Day of the Forest?
Sources: Greenpeace, Greenpeace