Social sustainability

A range of over 40 products. Demeter, gluten-free and vegan. Almonds, chocolate and lemon. Our assortment is diverse. And so are we. A fair gender balance, employees from all over the world and female employees in management positions? Quite normal for us. The nice thing is, we benefit from this diversity. Diversity of commitment, ideas and languages. For us, diversity is an essential part of social sustainability. Managing Director Dietrich Praum explains: “As a matter of principle, we only have permanent employment contracts. And if there are any special situations, we always find a solution.” That’s the beauty of working in a medium-sized, family-run organic company. We promote social sustainability in our own company with flexible working models and invidiual solutions. But even beyond that, we support regional projects, donate food to social associations and support a future fit for grandchildren together with the Green Forest Fund e.V.

For a company, being socially sustainable means assuming its responsibility for a livable existence for people and society. This includes, for example, issues such as occupational safety, health, human rights, diversity culture and demographics. Considering these issues in our own company and along the entire supply chain plays a particularly important role for us organic food producers of the Association of Organic Food Producers (AÖL).