we welcomed students from Gießen
This month we had a visit that we were particularly delighted about: We were able to welcome a total of 25 students from the University of Gießen in our house. As part of the module “sustainable food production” of the working group on nutritional ecology, we were able to give the students an understanding of our company and production methods, exchange ideas on the subject of sustainability, values and culture, and also learn a few things ourselves. The bachelor students came from the fields of ecotrophology, nutritional sciences, environmental management and agricultural sciences. Thus a colorful mixture and a wonderful basis for a lively discussion. While our colleagues Karin from Quality Management, Manuela from Marketing and Denis from Sales talked to one half of the students, Ines from Quality Assurance, Lea from Quality Management and Christine from Purchasing took the other half on a tour of the production facilities to provide a rounded insight into everything from the preparation of the dough to the bagging of the cookies. We hope that we were able to convince one or the other student of our organic company and of course our organic cookies!