Product testers wanted

Do you like to snack hearty organic treats and feel like giving us your honest opinion? Then you're probably perfectly qualified for a product test with our new and irresistibly delicious (but don't let that influence you) bread chips. You…

Our ingredient lists

Our ingredient lists are as long as necessary and as short as possible, you can rely on that. As an organic manufacturer, we do not use preservatives, flavor enhancers or artificial colors as we are convinced that this is the right thing to…

happy holidays!

We wish you and your loved ones a happy and peaceful holiday. We hope you enjoy the time with delicious food, good drinks and small presents. Maybe even one or the other organic cookie will be eaten.

new – spelt nuss-kuss

What do you do when you have too many hazelnuts and Christmas is just around the corner? That's right, cookies. So last year we set out to process the many hazelnuts into fine cookies and sell them in our little shop in Neu-Anspach. But it…

Organic Industry Report: Biodiversity

More species variety and biodiversity thanks to fruit in organic quality? Of course! According to the Industry Report 2021 published by the German Organic Food Association (Bund Ökologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft e.V.), organic fruit grows…

sommer at the demeter bread testing

Have you ever heard of a bread test? Every year, the association of organic farmers Demeter awards excellent bakery crafts and selected breads with a gold, silver and bronze award. To put the baked goods of biodynamic bakeries from all over…